Medical Manufacturing

Shadow boards are a very useful supply for medical industries to have. Keeping your tools in the exact right place and accounted for can prevent mishaps and increase facility organization.



OSAAP America exclusively uses Zotefoam products because they are the purest polyethylene foam manufactured in the world today.

AZOTE is the group brand name for Zotefoams’ closed cell, cross linked polyolefin foam… high quality foam from differing base polymers but all manufactured using the same unique nitrogen expansion process route. You can find a more detailed description of our proprietary manufacturing process here. AZOTE was used formerly as a name for Nitrogen and is still used by French chemists to refer to the element. AZOTE foam derives many of their exceptional properties directly from the use of this inert, tasteless, odorless gas in the manufacturing process.



FOD control is a high priority for medical facilities. Preventing debris on tools, supplies, or during a procedure is of utmost importance. For medical industries we recommend using the PlasticCore® material option of shadow board. PlasticCore® is FDA approved and most commonly used with medical instruments. PlasticCore® is easy to clean/soak and has no debris compared to foam which can occasionally have stray particles.

Shadow boards are a very useful supply for medical industries to have. Keeping your tools in the exact right place and accounted for can prevent mishaps and increase facility organization.

Check out our hospital bed maintenance kit that we created in pair with Palmac Tools. It is sold on their ecommerce website (see link below). This kit was created for hospital bed maintenance at a military hospital.

Pre-Fab Hospital Bed Maintenance Kit

Check out our hospital bed maintenance kit that we created in pair with Palmac Tools. It is sold on their ecommerce website (see link below). This kit was created for hospital bed maintenance at a military hospital.

Check it out

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Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help


How Long Does a Foam Shadow Board Last?

Our standard foam will last approximately three years in 24/7 production and much longer as the usage decreases.

The ESD material will last as long visually; however, it should be tested annually for static dissipation.

Can The Standard Foam Material Be Cleaned With Solvents Like Acetone?

Our material is closed cell cross-linked foam that does not absorb moisture. Many customers clean the material with solvents.

If you would prefer another method to clean your foam, our foam is nearly water-proof, and we have tested our foam in a standard, kitchen dishwasher numerous times.

What is the Melting & Flash Point of The Foam Material?

Can the Foam be Supplied With a Hard Back for Vertical Mounting or to Replace a Tray/Tote?

We can apply PVC backer board to the back of your foam board(s) to add rigidity to the foam. This is helpful for mounting foam board vertically or ensuring the foam lies flat and secure on a table.

We use black PVC for our backer board because, like the foam, it is not affected by moisture and can be easily cleaned.

Black PVC backer board is available in 1/8", 1/4", and 1/2" thick.

Can OSAAP Foam Withstand Skydrol's Damaging Properties?

In short, the answer is yes, our foam can withstand the chemical properties of Skydrol. We currently have multiple customers that use our foam paired with Skydrol applications. Our foam is inert, blown-in Nitrogen, so it does not react except under very extreme conditions; the thermal limit of the foam is 500 degrees F. Skydrol leaves a thin film on the exterior of the foam. It does NOT dissolve the material.

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